Friday, 17 August 2018

Tartiflette, Raclette and another wild camp

Got the telecabine to the top of the Brevent and did 2 routes  near the col but was too busy/noisy/misty/cold - Jenny led Le quatrième tiers 5a and I led Rève de cornichon 5c.

Headed down the jeep track and did La tartiflette D+5c, Jenny leading the first 5a pitch (a bit sparse).

Wild camped in same spot as last time but couldn't get water. Jenny went an hour down a ravine to no avail and I found no feed for the chamois' wallow. Luckily 2 guys possibly up to no good appeared further down the track in a 4x4 and after I chased them for a few yards seemed pleased to give me a new 1.5l bottle of evian.

Next day did La Raclette TD-6b (the 5c/A0 crux goes at 6b free).

All in all 2 fun routes among bilberries, pine trees, caterpillars and ants.

Had plâte du jour at Hotel Le Buet which was comfortingly exactly like a refuge dinner.