Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Mt Buet 2 day wildcamp

Made this up using the map and didn't know if full circuit would work as middle section had no paths marked on map. Route seemed popular with runners. 

From campsite up through Les Granges (buying it) and Val de Tré les Eaux (exercising caution on snow-bridges over water courses) to camp at 2600m on Col de la Terrasse in a thunder storm. Saw a Bearded Vulture.  Water bed puddle under the tent made for a damp night.

Traversed under Pointe a Corbeaux with views down Lac du Vieux Émosson to climb le Cheval Blanc from Col du Vieux. 

Traversed crumbling Crête de la Montagne des Eves and equally crumbling and chained Arête du Buet to Mt Buet summit. Then down to Refuge Pierre à Bérard for coffee and soup.

Then walked down the river to restaurant for Raclette - massive chunk of cheese grilling itself (and us) on a metal thing full of charcoal; and a plate of meats - 'do you like to see the desert menu?' - 'nope,  get us a doggy bag.'