Team of 3 in a day steady pace. Left Glen Brittle campsite 04:00, Gars-beinn for 07:00.
TD gap for 09:30, dry and no one about, no bother in trainers/approach shoes (1st 2 pics credit Will).
All topped out King's Chimney by 12:20, much easier in the dry.
Will & I soloed An Stac East Buttress then all 3 simul-climbing (2 sling runners) on the In Pinn saw us at the bottom for 13:45. When we did this a couple of days ago it was pointed out to us that if you hadn't stood on the perched block then you hadn't summited the Munro (pic credit Will).
Then the tough middle section in the heat with our water running out. Will topped us up by mining a snow patch on Bealach na Glaic Moire. We took a Guide's advice and skirted Bidein Druim nan Ramh.
Arrived at Naismith's on the Bhasteir Tooth at 22:00 in failing light and gathering murk (phone camera settings enhance the light). Once up this we burrowed through King's Cave to abseil the chimney in the dark and clag.
23:45 on the screes below the col and after considering options decided we were happy with what we'd done. Will and I nipped up Am Bhasteir for midnight clear sky then down to the Slig for 02:30 where Gill had been watching our torches on the summit. Thanks Gill - long day for you too; cider & crisps for the ride back - now that's a support car.