Saturday, 27 February 2016

School House Arête, Dragon's Tooth and Left Buttress

Sgorr Bhan, Sgorr Dearg then Sgorr Dhonuill on Beinn a' Bheithir.   

Alpine conditions and views of the whole of the highlands from Schiehallion to Torridon & The Cuillin to The Cairngorms.

Met Olly Saunders en route back to the col, who suggested reversing/downclimbing The Dragon's Tooth. This was fun including climbing the bit that is abseiled in ascent. 

After belaying Jenny 30m down Left Buttress (III),  I had to classic abseil in two 15m pitches, backing-up with a sling round my waist to a prussik on the rope as we hadn't come geared for climbing today.