Thursday 31 July 2014

Fake clients

Charlie led Crackstone Rib which at severe 4a was supposed to be a challenge but she dispatched it comfortably. I jugged up alongside for support and took some snaps. She brought up Cups and then seconded First Test; which was two pitches of VS4c.

Meanwhile Tom led The Cracks and Nea with Jenny.

Oh yeah thanks for the shoes Chuck.

Then we had tea in Pete's Eats with Johnny Dawes who told us,  'if you're not shouting,  you're not climbing hard enough; climbing's harder than you think. 

Other highlights were Tom discovering a stream train on the Snowdon ridge and a surprising revelation amongst the Everest summiteers' signatures on the ceiling of the Oen y Grwyd hotel:
Charlie: Oh,  Petula Clarke"s climbed Everest. 
Jenny: 'as sheee?

We also played zoom till our sides hurt.