Saturday, 18 February 2012

Loch Ossian

Photo credit: Jenny iPhone

After a week of upland gales we set off for a sunny weekend back home. Checked the bat-phone en route to get an updated MWIS and found that Sunday was going to be splendid. Bummer! What to do? We had already passed Glencoe and pulled into the Green Welly, maybe we could get a train back up, one leaves in 20 mins?  Everything out on the floor, change into hill gear, pack camping stuff, pack food, axes, crampons, find station, 3 mins till train leaves, so are we doing it? 40 mins later out at Corrour station, committed until 18:25 Sunday evening, hurrah.

Found somewhere to pitch the tent but decided to walk down to Loch Ossian to see if we could get in for a brew. They were open and only 2 lasses staying there so bingo we could stay and have a dorm to ourselves. No roads, middle of nowhere, ideal.